[Insert Address]
Dear [Insert Member of Parliament, On [Insert Date of Event], we celebrated Lights On Afterschool Alberta, the Provincewide rally for quality afterschool programs. We are enclosing light bulbs that were decorated by youth and families participating in our program.
We hope that these light bulbs will serve as a reminder of the importance of afterschool programs like ours -- programs that keep kids safe, inspire learning and help working families.
In addition to our local event, more than 500 programs participated in Lights On Afterschool this year, all seeking to illustrate the benefits of afterschool programs and the pressing need for additional programs. Unfortunately, many children in this province have no safe, supervised place to go when the school day ends.
At [Insert Afterschool Program], we are a [Insert one-paragraph program description including details about sites, kids served, any evaluation findings, etc.
Afterschool programs are critical to our kids’ development, and are necessary to help keep our communities safe and our kids safer, stronger and smarter. Please continue to ‘help keep the lights on’ after school and help us serve the children and families of [Insert City/Town Name].
Sincerely, [Insert Name] [Insert Organization]